Sunday, March 14, 2010

Model Essay - Does Global Warming Pose A Threat?

Download, read and critique.

Then improve, write and submit.

GP_Model_Essay_3_Does Global Warming Pose a Threat.pdf

Model Essay - Is Ecological Conservation bad?

Download, read and critique.

Then improve, write and submit.

GP_Model_Essay_2_Is ecological conservation bad.pdf

Model Essay - Can Terrorism be Justified?

Download, read and critique.

Then improve, write and submit.

GP_Model_Essay_1_Can Terrorism Be Justified.pdf

Friday, March 12, 2010

Compre Practice

Practice 7

Answer key available on request.


Compre Practice

Practice 6

Answer key available on request.


Working the Application Question. A working template.

Part 1

Topic sentence. (for relevance)

In Passage A/B , lines (x to xx), (writer's name) raised the point that / stated that / asserted that .. (write the writer's point you have chosen to discuss in your own words; you can quote " ---- ").


According to (writer's name) / Passage A/B, …

Part 2

Your view

(to meet the requirements)

In my opinion/ My view on this is that/ I am inclined to think that …

(State whether you agree or disagree with the writer and: how far you agree/disagree with the view in sentence 1).


NB: A view can be (in)valid, (un)true, (in)applicable, (ir)relevant, (in) correct, (in)appropriate depending on v/hen and where it is ' said/applied and who said/applied it …

Part 3

Reasons (explanation)

  • This is because...
  • One reason for this is
  • My justification for this is that ...
  • One evident reason/explanation is ...

Part 4

Evidence (explanation)

  • For example,...
  • This can be seen in Singapore when...
  • From my observation of Singapore society,...
  • From my own experience, I
  • One evidence of this is ...
  • One evidence I can cite is ...

You may cite current evidence or /past evidence as long as it meets the question requirements.

If the question require you to discuss the FUTURE, state the current situation and predict from this current situation, what will happen in the future. Use the following:

  • Considering the current situation, a future scenario that can , be projected is ...
  • In light of the present situation, a likely , consequence/ effect/ scenario/ situation is …
  • We can hypothesize that in the future,

Part 5 Evaluation (Opposing View)

Do not disagree/agree totally; i.e. Do not take an extreme stand. : Agree to some extent with the opposite view. State when the opposing view may be right wrong.


  • On the other hand, ...
  • However, some people may agree/disagree with the writer the view mentioned, in that they think ...
  • Otherwise, a contrasting opinion is that
  • In contrast, it can be said that
  • An alternative opinion is

Part 6 Consolidate (Reasons why your original stand, Use expressions like: you adhere to your own view)

Explain why despite the alternative or opposing view, you still stick by your original stand. Use expressions like:


  • However, I still hold that (repeat original stand) because it holds greater truth/ we see more evidence of it today/ it is a more likely scenario considering the current situation/ …
  • Despite this, I still think that (repeat original stand) because
  • I maintain my opinion that (repeat original stand) as
  • In my view...




What do examiners look for in an answer? Is, 2s, 3s and 4s.


1. A systematic reference to the basic requirements of the question.


2. A strong EXPLANATION which demonstrates good understanding of tenns and issues, including elaboration and support through personal insight and appropriate examples.


3. A convincing EVALUATION (logical judgements and decisions).


4. Good COHERENCE and organisation. (ideas are well-connected)


Note: Good answers would also be BALANCED (which can be interpreted in two ways:

a) Both sides of an argument are explored;

b) All parts of the question are given sufficient attention.


  1. A Template (What a paragraph should look like)


1. Requirements

a. Main Sentence/ Idea (identified from the passage).

b. Your view.

2. Explanation

c. Reasons to support your view.

d. Evidence from our count or personal experience.


e. Looking from another perspective/ Opposing View come (Why' some people might disagree with your view.)

f. Reasons and evidence for the opposing view

3. Evaluation

g. Putting it together -reasons why you stick to your original view rather than the opposing view.


Toothless Copenhagen Accord

China and the United States have both been blamed for the lackluster contents of the United Nation’s Copenhagen Accord on climate change. While the meeting, which involved 193 nations and 110 heads of state, widely recognized a definition of ‘dangerous climate change’—a global temperature rise of 2C from pre-industrial times—it contained no reference to a legally binding agreement, said the BBC. The United States is blamed for ignoring the critical needs of developing nations and striking a deal behind their back with ‘significant economies’, China, Brazil, India and South Africa. Others blame China for removing key climate change targets from the text which campaigners said would have given the accord ‘teeth’ and even made it legally binding. According to the Guardian, in a late night heads-of-state meeting it was the Chinese delegation who did not want to include industrialized country targets—as high as 80 percent by 2050 for the European Union—even though these had been previously agreed. The peaking year of 2020 for CO2 global emissions, essential to restrain temperatures of 2C, was also taken out upon Chinese demand, as was the maximum global temperature rise of 1.5C, so coveted by developing nations and small island states. One hundred and two nations poor nations represented at the conference called for a 1.5C cap said the Guardian. In its place the text shows that a rise of 2C is not a formal target but a recognized scientific view that the temperature should be held below that figure, said the BBC. The long-term target of a cut in global CO2 emissions of 50 percent by 2050 was also taken out upon Chinese recommendations. It is widely thought that China did not want legally binding targets that would impede its economic development. However China’s announcement prior to Copenhagen of a target of a 40-45 percent reduction in the carbon intensity of the Chinese economy by 2020 shows that regardless of a non-binding treaty, China’s current domestic policy to embrace a low carbon future will not change, said China Review. The Accord also promised $30 billion of aid for development nations over the next year to help deal with the effects of climate change and promises of rich nations jointly mobilizing $100 billion per year by 2020.

The final Copenhagen Accord, including all previous amendments and proposed changes are listed on the website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exciting world of ISMs

Refresh and update your list of ISMs.

Incorporate it in your writing.